Friday, 20 July 2012

Services By Clinic

     The departments of the Clinic include the Reception section, a sophisticated high technology diagnostic Laboratory, Eye Dept. for modern treatment of diabetic eye disease, Foot Care unit with facilities to diagnose foot complications at an early stage, Dept. of Nutrition and Dietetics and Dept. of Diabetes Education & Counseling, Heart check-up, Pain Clinic for specific painful conditions in Diabetic people & Special Dental Care for people with Diabetes.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Department of Electronic Data Processing

         All the procedures after a patient is registered are operated through a structured computer network system. The includes appointment, registration, medical records, requisition for lab tests, billing, laboratory results, administrative and financial accounting etc. The computer also analyses and stores information such as case summary, lab results summary and does clinical audit. Research data is also stored and retrieved for statistical analysis and research purpose.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Electro Cardio Graphy Unit

This unit has an automatic M1772A HP Pagewriter 100 ECG machine. The ECG technician explains to the patients about the procedure and ensures that the recording of ECG is carried out without any discomfort to the patient.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Pedicure Unit

Patients with complaints such as burning sensation over feet, numbness in the feet / presence of cracks in the feet are referred to this unit. The pedicurist provides the necessary specialized services and also educates the patient about foot care including pedicure measures to be carried out daily at home.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Foot Clinic

       This unit performs biothesiometry and doppler tests. Biothesiometry test checks the nerve sensation in the hands and the feet. Doppler test assesses the blood flow in arteries and veins and checks the blood pressure in both the limbs. Patients having Diabetic Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disease will be imparted the necessary foot care education.

      Foot Clinic also provides information about special footwear for diabetics developed by us and manufactured by the Footwear Manufacturing Unit located in M.V. Hospital for Diabetes, Royapuram. Patients requiring services of pedicurist are referred to the Pedicure Unit.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Department of Ophthalmology

The Ophthalmology unit has facilities for routine screening of patients for the early diagnosis of Diabetic Eye Disease (Retinopathy). This enables the patient to have prompt attention and prevents blindness.

For more information visit us at:

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Laboratory Sciences

Provides all the necessary investigations to diagnose and treat diabetes with the latest technology available. Facilities are available to monitor blood glucose levels, lipid profile, renal function tests, liver function tests and other related metabolic parameters by using the advanced techniques in Hitachi 912 Auto Analyser. The Analyser is capable of processing 360 tests per hour.

As a special feature, BIO-RAD VARIANT is available, to find out how the blood glucose level has been maintained in the past 2-3 months, which uses the latest High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique. ADVIA-60 Cell Counter gives a complete picture of the blood which includes Total Count, Differential Count, Haemoglobin, RBC and Platelets Count, which is an automated machine totally.
Everyday Quality Control Programme is run to start with, then only the patients samples are processed and a Quality Control Record is maintained to ensure the quality of the results given to the patients.

For more information visit us at:

Monday, 2 April 2012

Dietetics & Nutrition

It involves in individual dietetic counseling. Qualified dietitians focus on patients needs, disease condition, and quality of life thereby tailoring the diet prescription to fit the patients lifestyle. The dietitians work in cohort with the team of health care professionals in helping the patient to achieve better diabetes control and preventing complications associated with this disorder. Dietitians strive to bring a holistic approach to medical nutrition therapy including behavior and lifestyle modification along with providing healthier nutritional choices.

For more information visit us at:

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Diabetes Education


   Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder. Individuals affected by diabetes need to learn self-management skills and make life style changes to manage diabetes effectively and avoid or delay the complications associated with this disorder. For these reasons, self-management education is the cornerstone of treatment for people with diabetes.

     The main objective is to make the information clear, concise, practical and at the same time dispelling any myths associated with diabetes and its treatment. Counseling with regard to lifestyle modification to achieve better health status is also being done by qualified professionals. The department also ensures that the patient is equipped with self-care skills with regard to his diabetes management, which would include self-administration of insulin, blood glucose monitoring, prevention of complications etc.

     The diabetes education imparted by the department may be called Self management training and Self management education as well as diabetes patient education. The following unique services are offered by us:
  • Interactive Lecture Sessions & Audiovisual Presentation in English & Tamil.
  • Individual Counselling and Diet Advice.
  • Books on Diabetes in English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu & Malayalam for sale.
  • CD-ROM on Diabetes in English for sale.
For more information visit us at: